Life Insurance In the great cosmic ballet that is existence uncertainty reigns and fate is fickle. Continue Reading →
‘Gambling’ – when one word means two opposite things English is a weird and hard language in which we use the same word to describe accurate, considered, scientific, decision making that we use to describe random, self harming, ill conceive & poor decision making. Continue Reading →
Naoshad was featured in “Inflation increased at annual rate of 8.6% in May” in Consumer Affairs Thanks to Mark Huffman for featuring me in his article Inflation increased at annual rate of 8.6% in May on Consumers Affairs. Continue Reading →
Why there are no final expense insurance salesmen in Ontario I always wondered why there weren’t more final expense sales people in Canada. Continue Reading →
Two Ideas to Curb Real Estate Price Growth in Canada Without Undue Impact on the Inflation Rate of Other Products Presumptions Taxes are no longer just a way for governments to pay for projects and nations to create assets. Continue Reading →
A Brief, Almost Random, Far From Comprehensive, History of (Life) Insurance 5,000 years ago in China merchants used to carry portions of each others cargo in their ships to reduce the financial consequences of piracy. Continue Reading →
Some Bull Shit Myths & Lies The Financial Industry Tells Investors the 4% ruleDollar Cost Averaging – A Sales Tool Created by a Mathematical Sleight of Handit’s always better value to buy permanent insurancethat a financial plans efficiency is the metric one should optimize forThat you need life insurance & there is a formula for calculating the ‘correct’ amountThe past returns are not an indicator of future performance but they will be 90% of our material & conversation paradoxThat history predicts the future & worst case scenariosThat anyone can pick the winning horse Continue Reading →
The Three Core Principles of Investment, Financial, & Benefit Planning Begin by protecting what you most need and value:Define your “ruin.”Identify risk of ruin factors.Utilize reasonable risk containment measures.Through appropriate risk transfer planning, reduce risk of ruin to as near 0 as possible. Continue Reading →
Every Takeoff is Optional, Every Landing is Mandatory – Part 2 All financial planning is a reflection of the most common real world planning problems. Continue Reading →